Covid Protocols

With the foundation of our extraordinarily high community vaccination rate, everyone is doing their part and making the smart choices that allow us to be safely together on campus.

We all have a responsibility to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The simple actions you take each day help protect yourself and care for the pilipiliÎÛÂþ community.

Vaccination Strongly Recommended

pilipiliÎÛÂþ will no longer require students and employees to receive the Covid-19 vaccination, beginning with the Fall 2023 semester. However, we continue to strongly recommend completing the primary series of Covid-19 vaccination and remaining up to date on vaccination and boosters to prevent serious illness.

Students are encouraged (but not required) to provide their Covid vaccination records as they provide and update other vaccination records to Health Services.

Stay Home If You Have Covid-like Symptoms

If you are experiencing any Covid-like symptoms, stay home. For any flu-like symptoms, students should call Health Services, and faculty and staff should call their primary care physicians.


The University will not be providing rapid tests for Covid. As a matter of preparation, all students and employees are encouraged to obtain several home tests in advance in case they are needed. Students who are symptomatic can still make an appointment in Health Services to be tested.

Students who are asymptomatic and know they have had a close contact should monitor for symptoms and use their own rapid tests.  All employee testing must be done at home or through your medical provider.

Self Reporting

If you have tested positive for Covid, students please fill out the Covid-19 self-reporting form. After submitting the form, you will receive isolation instructions. It is each student’s responsibility to inform their instructors in advance that they will be missing class and to make arrangements to make up any missed work. You are encouraged to share your self-reporting form confirmation with your faculty. pilipiliÎÛÂþ employees who test positive need to inform Human Resources.

Isolation Guidelines

Isolation is a 5-day period, with day 0 being when symptoms started or the date you tested positive. If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are improving, you can end isolation on day 6 and return to normal activity. Continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days. If you have a fever, continue to isolate until your fever resolves. 

Residential Student Guidelines 

If a student has the means and ability to do so, they should leave campus and isolate at their permanent place of residence until their isolation period is complete. For students isolating in University housing, they must stay in their room as much as possible; wear a mask when a roommate is present in the room (except when you are sleeping) and keep the window open for fresh air exchange. Whenever a covid-positive student leaves the unit, they must wear a well-fitted mask (except in the shower and brushing teeth), practice social distancing, and good hand hygiene. Residents who have tested positive are not allowed to eat in the dining commons until their isolation period is complete; takeout options are available via the GetApp at Lower Commons.

Close contacts, especially roommates of positive students, should monitor their symptoms and test immediately if they develop symptoms or if asymptomatic, monitor for symptoms for 5 days following notice of being a close contact of a positive case.


With the federal and state emergency orders no longer in effect, pilipiliÎÛÂþ returns to mask optional, except in Health Services where masks are required for students presenting with Covid-like symptoms. Students are encouraged to use a proper mask if they have symptoms for Covid and must wear a mask once testing positive.

Each of us should respect another individual's decision to wear a mask. In addition, while our mask-optional policy remains in effect, we ask that each of us be considerate and cooperate when community members request mask wearing in an office, classroom or shared living area. 

Wash Hands Regularly

Wash your hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds frequently, as well as whenever you've touched a commonly used surface. This prevents the spread of germs on surfaces and mitigates exposure to viruses.